BMC Chair Patricia Kiley Named 2020 AAAS Fellow

BMC Chair Patricia Kiley was among six UW-Madison Scholars elected as 2020 Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). According to AAAS, Dr. Kiley is being recognized for her distinguished contributions to understanding mechanisms that regulate E. coli’s lifestyle in different oxygen environments, specifically how transcription factors exploit iron-sulfur metal centers for oxygen responses.

The AAAS Fellow designation is an honor dating back to 1874. Each year, it is conferred on AAAS members who are nominated by peers and recognized for their work in advancing both science and society at large. Dr. Kiley and the other new fellows will be formally announced in the November 27, 2020 edition of Science.

To read more about Dr. Kiley’s work, take a look at the full story from SMPH News: